Auto Insurance
You're in the driver's seat with the TruStage® Auto Insurance Program.*
Save money on your next auto insurance policy
You spent plenty of time researching and locating your car, truck, SUV or van. The process of finding the right auto insurance is much easier, thanks to the TruStage® Auto Insurance Program.
Shop for policies through TruStage to find appropriate coverage at the ideal price. As a Partner Colorado Credit Union member, you have exclusive access to discounted rates and fantastic customer and claim services.
We work with Liberty Mutual through TruStage to offer protection that's simple to get and simple to understand. Besides competitive rates, this program offers members customized insurance, reliable service, and optional 24-hour roadside assistance.¹
Save hundreds of dollars on customized auto insurance:**
- The more cars you have, the more you'll save with a multi-car discount
- Earn discounts for continuous years of claims-free driving
- Your rates won't rise due to your first accident²
- File or manage a claim 24/7
- Better Car Replacement™ is an optional feature that replaces your totaled car with one that's one model year newer³

Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP)
It's almost like a safety belt for your auto loan.
- Financial relief
- Works with any vehicle
- Easy payments
- GAP Advantage

Mechanical Breakdown Plans
Get coverage for expensive repairs on your older car or truck.
- Work with our partner.
- Three levels of coverage.
- Valuable and affordable.
Resources to move you ahead.

Don’t get left without adequet coverage.
Don’t get fooled by warranty scams.
Learn how to keep yourself protected.
CUNA Mutual Group, 2014 All Rights Reserved.
TruStage is the marketing brand for the Auto & Home Insurance Program made available by CUNA Mutual Insurance Agency, Inc. and underwritten by leading insurance companies. Discounts are not available in all states and discounts vary by state. The insurance offered is not a deposit and is not federally insured. This coverage is not sold or guaranteed by your credit union.
Discounts and savings are applicable where state laws and regulations allow, and may vary by state. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten; not all applicants may qualify.
Coverage is provided on the optional Towing & Labor Coverage endorsement. May vary by state. Applies to mechanical breakdowns and disablements only and may be subject to limits.
Optional coverage in some states. Availability varies by state. Eligibility rules apply.
TruStage™ is the marketing name for TruStage Financial Group, Inc. its subsidiaries and affiliates. Securities distributed by CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC, a registered broker/dealer, 2000 Heritage Way, Waverly, IA, 50677. Investment and insurance products are not federally insured, may involve investment risk, may lose value and are not obligations of or guaranteed by any depository or lending institution. All guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the underwriting company. Insurance products are issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company, MEMBERS Life Insurance Company, CUMIS Insurance Society Inc., CUMIS Specialty Insurance Society Inc., American Memorial Life Insurance Company, and Union Security Insurance Company.